*model used to protect Mike & Matthew’s identities
Matthew first came to Mountain View in November 2020, and says that living at Mountain View has
provided a newfound sense of security.
“I have my own space here to sit and relax”, says Matthew. “I feel like I can do the things I need to
do, to start taking the right steps forward”.
Previously Matthew had been couch–surfing and sleeping rough. Working towards long–term goals
had been difficult with nowhere to stay.
“Everyone who lives at Mountain View is working through their own problems” says Matthew. “It’s
inspirational to see everyone achieving goals. It’s like if you see one person doing it well, you know
you can do it too”.
The Mountain View program was first launched after a generous donor left a gift in their Will to
Mike donates to HCM and has shared with us that he would also like to leave a gift in his Will. Mike
says that he was impressed when HCM purchased the old Balmoral Motor Inn (now Mountain View)
to provide housing for people experiencing homelessness.
“It’s idea’s like that which I want the gift in my Will to go into”, say Mike.
“Of all the charities I give to, donations to HCM mean that bit more to me because they’re looking
after locals”.
Programs such as Mountain View can come to fruition thanks to generous donors like you and Mike.
Without this kind heartedness and compassion, locals such as Matthew, would still be sleeping
rough, unable to move forward in life.