
Community comes together to transform Mountain View

In midSeptember, C3 Church spent the day at Mountain View as part of their But to Serve day. But
to Serve is an annual day of volunteering and community projects run by the wonderful team at C3
Church. C3 have supported many of HCM’s programs in the past, creating the outdoor play area at
Small Steps and refurbishing the play area at DIY Dads.

This year, they turned their attention to Mountain View, which provides supported housing for
people who have been experiencing homelessness. Forty or so enthusiastic volunteers transformed
the outdoor space in one day, providing a homely and welcoming space.

Steve Black is the Associate Pastor at C3 Church and says that the purpose of But to Serve is to work
together as a community.

But to Serve is all about going into the community and meeting the needs of those around us. We
had 10 different projects across the greater Hobart region this year and 260 people involved across
the various programs”.

“The heart of what we do is building relationships. We love our community and just want to help
where we can”.

“At the start of the But to Serve day there’s a real feeling of excitement and fun. People are having a
joke, and building relationships. And then as the day continues, the mood changes slightly, and
people start to be a bit more reflective about what they’ve achieved and the impact they’ve had.”

Erik Hamor is the Program Leader at Mountain View, and says that the impact C3 had on the space,
and the residents was phenomenal.

“The attitude of the C3 Church was the most outstanding part of the day for me”, says Erik. “Their
care, understanding, and enthusiasm was in my opinion, our greatest gift”.

“The community members at Mountain View felt valued and respected and witnessed firsthand
how people from all walks of life can come together and achieve some pretty amazing things.
I am confident that this has had a strong impact on the hearts and minds of our tenants”.

Thank you to C3 Church, and all the individuals who helped to transform the Mountain View
gardens. The tenants at Mountain View are incredible grateful to have such a wonderful new
outdoor space. C3’s contribution will have a longlasting impact on the community for years to