A great way that you can help people in need in our community, is to donate goods to our programs. Some of these programs include Emergency Relief, Small Steps, or DIY Dads. Items can range from tins of instant coffee, bedding and craft activities, to play equipment and furniture.
Donations of these items are very gratefully received at both 50 Barrack Street, Hobart and 11 Main Road, Moonah.
If you have any queries please contact Em at emarriott@hobartcitymission.org.au or on 03 6215 4287.
You can also check out GIVIT, a fantastic third party website that connects our programs with generous donors in our community (and all over Australia!). Any items listed by HCM will be labeled “Local Charity Urgent Need”.
GIVIT is a free, third party website that enables us to list all the items we need across our various programs. As a donor you can either donate the item we need, or you can donate money to towards purchasing it! No fees or charges are taken from your monetary donations so you can rest assured that your whole donation is going toward the item you would like to help us purchase.
Donations to our Op Shops are also a great way to help raise money for our programs.
You can donate good quality clothing, bric-a-brac, furniture, books, artwork… if it’s still in good condition and you loved it once, chances are that someone else will love it too!
Click the button below to find out more about our Op Shops and how to donate.
Please feel free to contact our Partnerships Specialist, Em on 03 6215 4287 or at communications@hobartcitymission.org.au if you have any questions about donating goods to programs.