
Cassie – Small Steps

Cassie and Nonie at Small Steps

You may have received a letter from us in March about Cassie and the amazing impact Small Steps has already had in the lives of her and her three children.

Cassie left an abusive relationship and was facing homelessness before contacting Small Steps – a call that would change her life.

Cassie wants to share some more exciting news with you. Since our March letter, Cassie has secured a three-bedroom home on the Eastern Shore for her and children.

“So far I’m loving it”, says Cassie.

“There’s a great backyard and just so much freedom for the kids. We’re feeling very relaxed and it’s nice to have a big space – we’re not getting under each other’s feet”.

Your generous support of Small Steps helped provide Cassie with around-the-clock support to develop life and parenting skills, which helped her to get ready to move into her own home.

“Small Steps really helped me. Mental health wise it was the biggest help, and it got me ready to live on my own”, Cassie says.

“Now I know what I’ve got to do for my kids. Small Steps got us into a good routine, of taking the kids to school and playgroup, and that routine has really helped since moving out”.

“The kids love it here and I’m still working on my goals. I’d love to get the kids a trampoline and maybe even a dog. Further down the track I’d love to become a qualified mechanic”. 

Your donations to Small Steps have meant that Cassie is well on her way to achieving her life goals. With your continued support, other young women like Cassie will be able to flourish and grow as individuals and mothers, being the best possible parents to their children, and giving them a head-start in life. Small Steps is a life-changing program. We thank you for the dedication and love that you show for the young women and children at Small Steps.

Small Steps Turns 10

Small Steps Turns 10!

This week, Small Steps celebrated its 10th anniversary with a reception at Government House. Past and present Small Steps participants, volunteers, staff and friends

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