
Rick’s experience with Hobart City Mission’s Disability Services

Rick has used Hobart City Mission’s Disability Services for around 18 months, and receives 1:1 community support.

He lives in South Hobart where Hobart City Mission support workers help him with day-to-day activities. Rick was previously in the Defense Force and also worked as a chef before he was diagnosed with epilepsy. 

 “Hobart City Mission have been really good. They were there for me when I needed it”, says Rick.

“They’ve provided a roof over my head, and my support workers are like big brothers to me – that’s the way I see it really. They’re like a family.”

Rick still loves cooking – his specialty is sweets and patisserie items, and has a green thumb in the garden.

“Everyone calls me Peter Cundall”, he laughs.

Through the community support provided by Hobart City Mission, through the NDIS, Rick has also been able to go on fishing trips to the East Coast and the Lakes area.

This story was first published in our 2020 Annual Report. To view the full Annual Report, click here

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