Chris & Cheryl met each other whilst volunteering at the Partridge Nest Op Shop on Fridays. They are now great friends who volunteer together 3 days a week at the CBD located op shop.
“Volunteering has given us the opportunity to meet a whole new crowd of people that we would otherwise probably never have met, both employed staff and other volunteers,” says Chris.
Chris began volunteering with Hobart City Mission 4 years ago because she was looking for something to do in her spare time after semi-retiring.
Cheryl began volunteering with Hobart City Mission in March 2017 after popping into the Kingston Op Shop and offering to help. She started to volunteer at the Kingston Op Shop, before moving to Partridge Nest to help fill a gap in the roster.
“We know many of our “regulars” by name and enjoy the contact with old and new customers,” says Cheryl, who confesses she has a song and dance with some of the many “regular” customers who have become friends.
“Hobart City Mission has become our “second” family.”
Hobart City Mission is always in need of more volunteers to assist in the operation of our Op Shops, Business Services and Program Delivery.
If you know someone who would like to volunteer with Hobart City Mission, please refer them to or to call 6215 4200.
This article was published in HCM’s Spring Newsletter.
Read the other newsletter article, From Crisis to Crisis here, or view the whole Newsletter here.
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