Hobart City Mission is proud to announce our Small Steps Program has been selected by Francesca Collections as a partner for their April Awareness Bracelet.
Francesca has created a beautiful Awareness Bracelet made with soft grey jade beads and sterling silver finishings. With every purchase of the bracelet, $20 will be donated by the brand to Small Steps.
The bracelet is only available for the month of April so get in quick to not miss out!
Small Step empowers these young mother to transition into independent living as capable and confident individuals.
Francesca Collections is Hobart based designer jewelry label founded by two sisters. They operate their business on the model that “success means nothing unless you give back” and are passionate about doing good and supporting their community. The Awareness Campaign Charity is an ongoing project that partners them with multiple charities in order to boost their profile and raise funds.
Hobart City Mission is grateful for the opportunity to partner with Francesca Collections this April.
For more information on Small Steps, visit www.hobartcitymission.org.au/small-steps
For more information on Francesca Collections, visit www.francesca.com.au