
Program Evaluation Reports

At Hobart City Mission, we are committed to identifying service gaps and developing innovative programs that support those that may fall through these gaps. Independent evaluations play a crucial role in ensuring our programs achieve their goals. Explore our program evaluation reports to see how we use evidence and data to refine and improve our services.

Small Steps

Hobart City Mission founded Small Steps in response to identifying a desperate need in Southern Tasmania for supported accommodation, targeted at young mums at risk of homelessness or having their infants removed into State care due to a lack of appropriate accommodation and support.

Small Steps provides a live-in parenting and life skills program for 12 young mums (under 25 years old) and their babies, with 24/7 onsite care. Each mum can stay at Small Steps for up to two years.

Small Steps Evaluation – Final Report

Small Steps Program Logic (supporting document)

Small Steps

DIY Dads

For a single father who finds himself homeless, or at risk of homelessness, there is limited options. Many barriers around accommodation within the system, can prevent a father from receiving or maintaining custody.

The service gap resulted in children being separated from their fathers, either through the children being placed in State Care or in the mother’s full-time custody.

DIY Dads provides 8 self-contained units for dads with either full or part time care of their children. The dads can be any age, and are able to stay at the DIY Dads program for up to two years.

DIY Dads Evaluation – Final Report

DIY Dads Program Logic (supporting document)

DIY Dads

Safe Space

Safe Space is a 24 hour service run across two separate locations; Day Space, and Night Space.

Safe Night Space is for people who are experiencing homelessness and are sleeping rough. There is space for 35 people to sleep at Safe Space with all beds and bedding supplied. Access to Night Space is by referral only.

Safe Day Space is open to anyone who needs a place of connection, some food, or to meet with service providers.

Final Evaluation Report TILES Safe Space April 2022 

Safe Space

Mountain View

As the housing crisis in Southern Tasmania continues, Hobart City Mission identified the need for various levels of supported accommodation. The Safe Space program was one solution to homelessness, providing emergency and immediate shelter and safety.

As a next step in the path to permanent housing, the Mountain View program was launched in October 2020. The program caters to people who are on the Housing Tasmania priority wait list, and offers long-term housing options for people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness.

There are 32 units and dedicated support staff to help nurture a strong sense of community, provide support, and assist residents to work on their goals.

Mountain View Evaluation – Final Report

Mountain View Program Logic (supporting document)