Hobart City Mission Trading:
Our Offices will be closed from Friday to Monday, resuming usual opening times on Tuesday.
Op Shop Trading:
Good Friday: All Op Shops CLOSED
Saturday: Selected Op Shops OPEN 9-4pm – Sorell, Kingston, Huonville, Moonah Clothing & Furniture, New Glenochy & Partridge Nest (CBD – Easter Saturday special only)
Easter Sunday: All Op Shops CLOSED
Monday: All Op Shops CLOSED
Tuesday: Normal Trading, see www.hobartcitymission.org.au/op-shops
Wishing you a wonderful and relaxing Easter Break!
To find immediate emergency accommodation, please contact one of the services listed on the Shelter TAS website.
If you require crisis response or need to talk to someone outside of business hours, please call the relevant number below:
Emergencies (Ambulance/Fire/Police)
Non-Emergency Services
132 500
Non-Emergency Police Assistance
131 444
13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
(Domestic Violence support)
1800 737 732