
Ashgrove Provide Milk to Safe Space

A massive thank you to Ashgrove milk and cheese who have committed to providing fresh milk to Hobart’s homeless population through the Safe Space program.

The ongoing donation of 70 litres of milk every week will provide clients at Safe Space with fresh milk for coffees, teas and cereal.

For people sleeping on the streets, fresh milk is a luxury they don’t often get to enjoy. Previously clients at Safe Space were using powdered milk for coffees, so Ashgrove’s ongoing donation is a welcome addition to the program, which has full cooking facilities and fridge space to keep the milk fresh.

Anne Bennett from Ashgrove says that they jumped at the opportunity to help out.

“When Hobart City Mission approached Ashgrove to provide this service we didn’t hesitate”, says Anne.

“With our depot in Hobart now we have the ability and capacity to help in this way. I personally have noticed an increase in the number of people sleeping rough in Hobart over the past 8 months, where previously that was only something I had seen in the other big cities like Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney”.

Safe Space is a 24-hour shelter for people who are sleeping rough in Hobart. The program was developed by Hobart City Mission and The Salvation Army and is supported by the State Government and Hobart City Council.

Safe Space is at the YouthARC space in Collins St, which is provided free of charge by the Hobart City Council. As well as providing shelter, Safe Space aims to connect clients with longer-term housing solutions through Housing Connect, as well as other support and healthcare services.

Click here to find out more about the Safe Space program.